Responding as one of the called-out HOPEFULLY YESSES!
Sadly, that has turned to an unfortunately not. The thought of being with all of you at Winedale planning for the summer is one that will have to remain in thought. 
I'm in end-of-year Board Meeting planning at work and I'll actually be working as I consume leftover turkey from Thanksgiving...

Do report out...but hey, let me know if there are some "questions to consider, projects to tackle, etc." for those that are attending, and I'd be happy to send over anything that would be remotely (a-hem) helpful. 



On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 6:16 PM James Ayres <> wrote:
I’m writing to remind everyone that the reunion-planning session is a go.  Saturday, November 30, at Winedale.  Arrival time: 10:00 a.m. Departure: (a guess) 2:30 p.m.  This far I’ve heard YES from Clayton S., Lynn Mc, Jenny J-P, Mike  G, Lavonne C, Jerald H, Robert Stevens, Angela B, Alice G, Kathy B, Jeff L. 

And as well, some HOPEFULLY YESSES from Mary C, Ann E, Idalia V, and Terry G. I’d like to hear confirmation from the latter group.  

Of course, James Loehlin will be coming, Madge, myself, and JoAnn.

I will be contacting some of the former Camp Shakespeareans about attending as well.  

Anyway, if you have not written earlier and can make the journey, please let me know this week.  Thanks.  

I will have Mercantile fix sandwiches and stuff for lunch. I’ll let you know the tax for that at the meeting.

Hope to hear from you!



Jim (Doc) Ayres
Professor Emeritus, The University of Texas
Founding Director, Shakespeare at Winedale and Camp Shakespeare
Director of Mission, Camp Shakespeare

Be vigitant, I beseech you!
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