The Twitter account @TracesofTexas posts stuff about Texas history/geography/culture, etc. After Jimmy Buffett's too-soon death a few days ago, @TracesofTexas posted this account of Buffett's explaining how, "after visiting a Mexican restaurant on Anderson Lane in Austin, Texas, and then retreating to a friend's house in Northwest Hills," he wrote the beginnings of "Margaritaville" (finishing the song later in Key West). 

I like the story (reproduced in the screenshot appended to this email and also reachable at on Twitter at

I know where my lost shakers of salt are (hence: not lost). But I can't quite remember the names of the Mexican restaurants on Anderson Lane back in the mid-'70s, except to say that I'm pretty sure I ate at all of them at some point, so likely ate at the restaurant in which Buffett found his inspiration for the song.

