Mark Lovell, mid-90's Winedaler, is leaving Austin for Northern CA. We're having a farewell party for him at the Dog and Duck on Thursday, Feb. 9. Mark will be holding court from 5-9pm.  Drop in and wish him well--we're going to miss him.



Madge Darlington
Co-Producing Artistic Director
Rude Mechanicals
Grrl Action
(512) 627-6038

*Next up: *

*I've Never Been So Happy at CTG's Kirk Douglas Theater* - October 2011
*The B. Beaver Animation at The Off Center* - October/November 2011
*Dionysus in 69 at Princeton* - December 2011
*The new untitled play* - January/February 2012
*The Method Gun at Powerhouse Festival (Brisbane, AU)* - February 2012

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