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From: Wikizine <info@wikizine.org>
Date: 2006-2-20 上午2:41
Subject: [??] [Announce-l] Wikizine - number: 14
To: announce-l@wikipedia.org

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Year: 2006  Week:08  Number: 14


An independent internal news bulletin
for the members of the Wikimedia community


=== Technical news ===

[Semi-protection] is now active on all wikis. Semi-protection of a page prevents unregistered editors and editors with very new accounts editing that page. "Very new" is currently defined as four days. Sysops can change the status of a page. Making a policy to use this on your wiki is advisable
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Semi-protection_policy - for policy inspiration for your homewiki

[Recentchanges] You can now hide your own edits in the "recent changes" by adding a option to [[MediaWiki:Showhideminor]]. See for examples

[Undelete] Sysops can view the deleted pages. The view changed of those deleted pages is now changed. The revisions are now displayed as the wiki source code.

[Pipeline] - it is not yet so but it seems likely that soon bureaucrats will be able to give the bot flag. "Bot flag" means that a user gets the status that it is a "bot", a computer program that makes edits on the wiki. With the bot flag on users have the option to exclude the edits of that user class from recent changes.

=== Request for Comments ===

[InstantCommons] - proposal to give all MediaWiki-wikis the option to use Wikimedia Commons media. Funding for this is available. Feedback is requested.

=== Foundation ===

[Wikimedia UK] officially exists. Official its name is "Wiki Educational Resources Limited" (WER), a company limited by guarantee and incorporated in England and Wales. WER will use "Wikimedia UK" as the operating name. WER will try to get the status as a charity. There are now 6 local chapters.

=== Community ===

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[Baby] the son of Anthere is born. He is born on 8th of February and his name is Thomas. Both mother and baby are doing great.


=== Media ===

[Babylon] is announcing the the have made a deal with the Wikimedia Foundation. And it looks like it is true. But there is no real information about it from the WMF yet.

=== Did you know ... ===

... that Jimbo is bigger then Jesus? (source: googlefight)


=== MediaZilla-IRC Quotes ===

- Tried the outside world before. Didn't like it too much. Can't edit it; can't even view source...
- [jwales] By sheer chance, the tree was close enough to an open free wifi port, so I was able to get on irc from the tree.
- [Raul654] ...so, since we're boned both ways, we might as well make a policy
- If there is nothing wrong, then something is seriously wrong.

Number of subscribers: 302
Editor(s): Shizhao, Walter
E-mail: ihavenews AT wikizine DOT org


Wikizine.org makes no guarantee of validity.
Wikizine.org is not a publication of the Wikimedia Foundation.

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