Just a quick update on 10th anniversary merchandise...

If you sent me your shipping information and created a public listing for your event, then your order has been given to Social Imprints (our fantastic merchandise company) and will ship contingent on any issues such as customs or incomplete addresses. I currently have a batch of tracking numbers from FedEx that I will be forwarding to you individually ASAP, and will forward more on once I receive them.

For anyone organizing an event who sent me their address after January 1 or has yet to, I can still ship to you, but it will not arrive until after the 15th. I will be updating the relevant tenwiki pages to reflect this.

I've spoken with the fundraising team about getting their help on creating banners to promote 10th anniversary activities, and will be sending a separate update soon so we can talk about how best to do that. 


Steven Walling
Fellow at Wikimedia Foundation