Hey Neal, 

That's good news. For anyone with links to media coverage, I've started a page at http://ten.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_coverage

This will likely also get edits from people on the WMF Communications Committee list.

On Jan 12, 2011, at 1:26 PM, Neal McBurnett wrote:

Oh boy - I just heard that on Friday Jan 14th, radio station KGNU
(88.5 FM Boulder, 1390 AM Denver, 93.7 FM Nederland) will interview a
few of us about Wikipedia!. It will be live, for about 5 minutes, on
the "Morning Magazine", which airs between 8:00 and 8:30 (15:00
UTC). It is also streamed live on the KGNU web site, and should be
available for download or streaming later.


I couldn't find a page for linking to media coverage of the event.  Am
I missing anything?

Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/

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Steven Walling
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