Just to let you a little bit about what happens in Sweden:
It has been a media frenzy, with us in Wikimedia Sverige and regular Wikipedians being interviewed in most major news outlets, including TV and the big newspapers. There have been some blog actvity, and there is a steady flow of Tweets.
Most of the stories and posts have been of generally higher quality than is usual, with the biggest newspaper, Dagens nyheter being among the best.
A little bit surprising to us is that the reporter Adam Svanell who wrote a story this autumn where he tested adding silly things to his Wikipedia article would get noticed (which is wasn't, since he's barely notable), and appeared quite critical towards Wikipedia, despite stating that he liked it - well, he has been seen everywhere during the anniversary media coverage. Apparently he's the go-to guy among journalists for the inside scoop about how bad Wikipedia is. The second twist in the story is that he has actually tried to say nice things about us, but the other journalists keep coming back to him with questions that focus on his article, which he admits is very un-scientific.
Some of the blog posts about our panel debate and party on the 13th have been a little critical, as well. Mostly they have complained that 1) we are very bad at organising events (which is why we paid a PR firm to do it for us - and also is somewhat positivt, since it means that we focus on other things), 2) the participants in the panel debate being badly selected, and 3) the debate itself being a little bit off-topic instead of concentrating on some of the hard questions about Wikipedia. I have blogged about it: http://wikimediasverige.wordpress.com (in Swedish).

We have a film of the panel debate, which we hopefully will upload today.
And in about four hours I will have to get up, so I'll get to bed now.
Have a good Wikipedia-day, everyone!
Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson,
Fellow of the Wikimedia Foundation / Wikimedia Foudation-stipendiat
Chair of Wikimedia Sverige / ordförande för Wikimedia Sverige http://wikimedia.se
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05 Epost: l_guldbrandsson@hotmail.com Användarsida: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anv%C3%A4ndare:Hannibal Blogg: http://mrchapel.wordpress.com/