Hi Everyone,
         I wanted to know is there any way to find out if we are being merchandise or not. From Lucknow we requested Steven to send us a box of merchandise to which he said that he may send it though it may not reach on time due to the delay on our part on asking(we asked for it on Jan4) but since then we have not heard anything from him after continuously writing to him. I know we were a little late but we still have plenty of time as we have the celebration on 30th Jan,2011. We were intending to distribute the merchandise to everybody who contributed and celebrated the anniversary event with us because people are collecting fund by themselves to print banners and stickers.
It is important to inspire them for future.
This is supposedly the first event in Lucknow for Wikipedia and we want it to start of a tradition and thus help create new contributors to the wikipedia world.
I hope to get a satisfactory reply very soon.

Kshitij Gupta