On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Catrin Schoneville <catrin.schoneville@wikimedia.de> wrote:
Hi everyone,

at the Chapters Conference in Berlin we briefly introduced our idea for a very special global initiative called "Wikipedia for World Heritage!". Feedback was great and now we would love to discuss ideas with you. The initiative is designed as an international project. Your opinions and participation are most welcome!

But first, what is this all about? We are convinced that Wikipedia is predestined to become the first ever digital UNESCO World Heritage Site. The free encyclopedia should be recognized as what it really is: a pioneering project of the digital age. It has carried the ancient idea of common and free knowledge over into the third millenium.

So, is this a birthday present? It is, since Wikipedia is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. At the same time, it is much more than that. The tenth anniversary is a perfect opportunity to look back at what tens of thousands of volunteers have achieved in so little time. Wikipedia is unprecendented in the history of mankind's endeavours to preserve and disseminate knowledge. To quote from the first of UNESCO's ten criteria for World Heritage sites: It represents a masterpiece of human creative genius.

Our major goals focus on public debate and on increasing awareness of what Wikipedia means to the global society. Millions of people around the world take Wikipedia for granted, as a convenient source of information. We know that it is incredibly more than that. Wikipedia is by far the most successful ambassador of the free knowledge concept. It provides free access to knowledge. It enables cooperation beyond national and cultural barriers. It is there for anybody to benefit from. And finally, Wikipedia is waiting to be improved. Anyone can help and participate. "Wikipedia for World Heritage!" could be a unique possibility to bring all this into the public spotlight, because it honestly isn't there yet. There are many means to achieve this. One of our first that we are currently preparing is to convince as many people as possible to sign a petition of support. We have established a project page on our Wikimedia Germany website. There is a language version in both English and in German. Furthermore, we will open the petition (in German and English) next week.

Additionally, we hope to establish an international landing page, where chapters can share information. We don't have decided on an URL yet. Suggestions anyone? Please feel free to brainstorm and discuss some catchy (and available) ideas!
There is so much information to share with you. Take this as a first "hello" and feel invited to comment, criticize and help pushing this initiative further! We are in touch with experts on the UNESCO's World Heritage program, and they tell us that we can do it. If the Wikimedia chapters jointly create public awareness of the amazing achievements of free knowledge, chances are good.

We already had the first (positive) press coverage in Germany and today we had an interview with New York Times (article will be published -maybe- in about 1-2 weeks).

Last but not least I would like to take the opportunity to introduce Sebastian Sooth our new project manager (for this and other community projects). Sebastian, me and my PR-assistant Michael will be responsible for this project, please don't hesitate to contact us directly or on this list.

See you,

Hi WikiX folks,

Just as an update, myself and some others who've worked on the wiki in support of the anniversary have started to rework the site a little,[1] and add content about this effort provided by our friends at Wikimedia Deutschland.[2] We've just started, so if some of you who helped design the site have ideas, please drop by the Talk page of the Main Page and let everyone know... 

Most importantly, I'd like to invite those of you who translated tenwiki pages into your mother tongues to do the same for the new Main Page iterations and the "World Heritage" page on the site. The more global and diverse an audience we can get for this campaign, the better. (Please feel free to forward this on to any related lists or link to it on-wiki.) 

Many thanks!

Steven Walling
Fellow at Wikimedia Foundation

1. http://ten.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
2. http://ten.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Heritage