It looks like the Central Notice directing to Wikivoyage is down now, right? Edits have slowed from the breakneck pace of the past week to something more like 5-10x what we were used to, instead of 15-20x.
It's been fabulous to see the site growing in terms of contributors, content, and readership, and I extend my own hearty thanks to everyone (and there are a lot of you) who helped make this happen!
Now that we can breathe a little easier with regards to patrolling, we can get back to talking past each other about templates and the weighty matter of whether to revise our policy of capitalizing AM and PM ;)
Peter B Fitzgerald, 21/01/2013 11:16:
It looks like the Central Notice directing to Wikivoyage is down now, right?
Yes, since midnight UTC.¬ice=Wikivoyage+Launch
Edits have slowed from the breakneck pace of the past week to something more like 5-10x what we were used to, instead of 15-20x.
It will be interesting to see the updates to!