Hey All

I have put together, what I hope is a balanced straw poll on this matter here http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Travel_Guide/Launch

Please weight in.

James Heilman

On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 11:02 PM, Erik Moeller <erik@wikimedia.org> wrote:

On Nov 3, 2012 9:01 PM, "Jani Patokallio" <jpatokal@iki.fi> wrote:
> A +1 for the suggestion to launch Wikivoyage-at-WMF now, but as "beta", and solicit help from the community to fix up the links.  I think it's important to have everything in its final place and final host, so we can be sure that "what you see is what you get" and a page fixed now will stay fixed.

Note also that there'll be lots of small and bigger issues we need to sort out in the first few weeks post-migration:

- properly resolving username issues (merging wv accounts with identical wm accounts, renaming conflicting usernames, offering ways to migrate accounts that didn't opt into the data transfer, etc.)
- testing extensions to ensure everything is working as before
- smaller configuration tweaks (namespaces, site settings etc.)
- setting up mobile main pages
- fixing templates (see note on stringfunctions)

So in general I'd say calling the site "beta" post launch sounds like a good idea. We've done pre-testing and will do more, but some issues will only become apparent in production, and some (like the user account issues) by definition can only happen post-launch. That won't change if we defer the launch, so if we defer we'll still have a "beta" site with some glitches but more images migrated.

In contrast, if we use November as a beta/cleanup month, we can shoot for a proper launch (with new logo and hopefully most issues resolved) in December.


Wikivoyage-l mailing list

James Heilman
MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian

The Wikipedia Open Textbook of Medicine