While I think a Beta launch makes sense anyway, and don't want to see the migration delayed, can we please reconsider the decision to not import Shared and wts?  I don't understand the reasons for this decision, but understand pretty intimately the reasons why it will cause problems.  We could probably shut them down at the end of the month at the rate that our volunteer contributors are going in terms of moving them to Commons, so what's the great harm in having them open in the meanwhile?


On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 1:05 AM, James Heilman <jmh649@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey All

I have put together, what I hope is a balanced straw poll on this matter here http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Travel_Guide/Launch

Please weight in.

James Heilman

On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 11:02 PM, Erik Moeller <erik@wikimedia.org> wrote:

On Nov 3, 2012 9:01 PM, "Jani Patokallio" <jpatokal@iki.fi> wrote:
> A +1 for the suggestion to launch Wikivoyage-at-WMF now, but as "beta", and solicit help from the community to fix up the links.  I think it's important to have everything in its final place and final host, so we can be sure that "what you see is what you get" and a page fixed now will stay fixed.

Note also that there'll be lots of small and bigger issues we need to sort out in the first few weeks post-migration:

- properly resolving username issues (merging wv accounts with identical wm accounts, renaming conflicting usernames, offering ways to migrate accounts that didn't opt into the data transfer, etc.)
- testing extensions to ensure everything is working as before
- smaller configuration tweaks (namespaces, site settings etc.)
- setting up mobile main pages
- fixing templates (see note on stringfunctions)

So in general I'd say calling the site "beta" post launch sounds like a good idea. We've done pre-testing and will do more, but some issues will only become apparent in production, and some (like the user account issues) by definition can only happen post-launch. That won't change if we defer the launch, so if we defer we'll still have a "beta" site with some glitches but more images migrated.

In contrast, if we use November as a beta/cleanup month, we can shoot for a proper launch (with new logo and hopefully most issues resolved) in December.


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James Heilman
MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian

The Wikipedia Open Textbook of Medicine

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