I rather like the current concept, though I don’t care for the WMF color scheme on it.  I agree we didn’t get anything too avant-garde, or as perfect as Mark’s WT logo, but it’s hard to reinvent the wheel.


That said, we left submissions open for quite a while.  If you had a better idea, there was probably time to develop it and put it forward.



                        Powers  &8^]



-----Original Message-----
From: Peter B Fitzgerald [mailto:pbf5@georgetown.edu]
Wednesday 5 December 2012 19:01
To: Wikivoyage Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Wikivoyage-l] Round 2 logo voting


Throughout this speedy process, we've just gotten stuck with mediocre, conservative, risk-adverse stuff, and I personally lost interest.  Will we be able to change the logo some day, with less strict time constraints?  We switched logos on Wikitravel years into the project to something way better than what we had at the start (and way more original and cool than what's being considered for Wikivoyage).
