The banner is launched.

It is currently up in only the 17 languages that were translated, there are a couple more in the proof read stage and once those are set any meta admin can add them to the banner and add the language to the campaign. I'll try to keep an eye on the page as well. 

So that everyone knows:

Currently it's showing to about 40% of logged in editors on English Wikipedia (sharing with the logged in shop banner and the steward banner).
Elsewhere it's showing at 80/20 with the steward nomination banner (non admins will just see no banner for that 20% .. no real way to avoid that). It's possible that people will want to bump up the steward nom banner so that it's a bit more visible (perhaps 70/30 )

For logged out users you are currently 100% anon for all 17 languages. In a couple hours I'm going to put up the shop banner so you'll share 50/50 only in the US/Canada and Mexico (and only on English Wikipedia) for 24 hours and then back at 100%. I think that's the only anonymous banner going up in the next couple days so everything else should be 100%.


James Alexander
Manager, Merchandise
Wikimedia Foundation
(415) 839-6885 x6716 @jamesofur

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 8:09 PM, James Alexander <> wrote:
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 8:02 PM, Powers <> wrote:

Very important: It should link to, not

good catch, that makes sense I had automatically started using some of the language domains since some of the translations did. However easier to all use the same url anyway :)