To all:
I have added a request for using the WikiTimeLine extension on wikiversity (I hope I used the correct position for such a request). Anyone supporting (or of course who opposes it) can post his opinion here at the end of the "Ideas which probably need a MediaWiki extension" section:

For details about what I'm talking here see my first email below...


Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 01:04:18 +0200
Subject: [Wikiversity-l] Request for activating the WikiTimeLine extension on wikiversity

I think it would be a good idea to activate the WikiTimeLine MediaWiki extension in wikiversity. Here's a short description:
The MediaWiki extension WikiTimeLine version 1.0 is now released. It displays events, people, and such on an interactive timeline. Its working with JavaScript (client side, so it doesn't put load on the server) and its pretty interactive (moving around, zooming, clicking on events on the timeline). If you add WikiTimeLine tags with a start and end date to an article, you'll get a link in that article, and if you click on that link you'll add the event to the timeline. So its totally real-time. Unlike easytimeline which is creating pictures when the article is created, WikiTimeLine is controlled by the reader of the article, not the writer. So everyone can put together their own timeline to see how things went in history. It also allows ongoing events (that have not yet stopped) and alternative begin or end dates.
I think this would be a great extension for Wikiversity. Any interest in that?
PS: Here are the links to the extension's webpages:

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