I already posted it at bugzilla and it was flagged as invalid after 5 seconds ;) they said I should first post it on the specific WikiMedia projects and the admins of those project(s) will then go to bugzilla...

No I didn't make it specifically for wikiversity. I've filed requests on wikiversity, wikispecies and wikipedia, because I think all three can profit out of it. Two years ago I was in conversation with a professor from the UCLA who was very interested in wikitimescale as a tool for his university. Since I'm a student too I thought this might be a good tool for articles in wikiversity dealing with anything that can profit from displaying events/people on a timeline. ;)

Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:12:27 +0100
From: cormaggio@gmail.com
To: wikiversity-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: Re: [Wikiversity-l] Request for activating the WikiTimeLine extension on wikiversity

On 7/31/08, M Sz <echalone@hotmail.com> wrote:


Yes, I'm the author.

Cool! (see below)

I don't know of any issues on wikimedia-foundation wikis. It has been implemented on a mediawiki 1.12 and 1.13 wiki by myself on my home-pc as well as on an online mediawiki 1.12 at www.chaosreligion.com as you can see by youerself. The testing of extensions at http://extensiontesting.wikiation.nl seems to be a very good idea. I will look more closer at that ;)
After all I'm totally convinced it would work on wikimedia-foundation wikis without any problems.

That's great. However, these things need to be tested and approved by one of the developers who is authorised to do this (ie who has shell access). You can file a request on bugzilla <https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org> - but, like I say, it would be good to do as much homework in advance as possible, so that the developers don't need to spend so much time on it to get it up and running.

I've used tp://simile.mit.edu/timeline/ as an inspiration for wikitimeline and compined it with my knowledge from my previous project, http://www.wikitimescale.org

After mixing the best of those two projects I think I've created a very usefull tool for Wikiversity and any other MediaWiki wiki.

Just out of curiosity, did you specifically design this for Wikiversity? Are you active (or even simply registered) on Wikiversity? Do you have any Wikiversity pages in mind where you think it might be usefully deployed right now?

In any case, I'm very appreciative of someone thinking of specifically applying their extension to Wikiversity. I definitely think we need more people who can code and test extensions, so that we can cointinue to augment mediawiki functionality for educational purposes. If you want to see other ideas, check out <http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Wikiversity:Technical_needs> - ideas and comments welcome!


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