What do wikiversity members feel about a blog? We could have one for the entire project and allow people to post wiki-related info, aggregated to Planet Wikimedia.

On 4/17/07, Erik Moeller <erik@wikimedia.org> wrote:
I would like to remind those of you who are bloggers to consider
joining Planet Wikimedia, which has grown nicely in recent weeks:

(Polish also active, German about to go live)

It shows recent wiki-tagged posts from Wikimedians on one page. You
can add your blog by putting a request for inclusion on:


Included blogs should tag their wiki-related posts, or be exclusively
about the topic. This policy has made Planet Wikimedia, in my opinion,
highly on topic and useful, and I would love to see it scale to
hundreds of blogs eventually. Hence, no exceptions. ;-)

For those of you from smaller projects: Think of this as an excellent
opportunity to promote the best work your project is doing, to get new
people excited about it. As an example of this principle, take a look
what some English Wikinewsies are doing in the "Original Reporting"
group blog: http://wikinewsreports.blogspot.com/

If you don't have a blog yet, you can set one up easily, e.g. at:
http://wordpress.com/ or http://blogger.com

Peace & Love,

DISCLAIMER: This message does not represent an official position of
the Wikimedia Foundation or its Board of Trustees.

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