I've noted here what it tells from my view:
(1) + (2)

People could add their views also :-)

(1) http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Wikiversity:Colloquium#Resource_traffic_statistics
(2) http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:Erkan_Yilmaz/observations#2012_February_3:_reconstruction_of_the_past_is...

2012/2/6 Juan de Vojníkov <juandevojnikov@gmail.com>
Hey Erkan,
thats interesting. What does it tell to us?


Dne 2. února 2012 22:33 Erkan Yilmaz <erkan77@gmail.com> napsal(a):

someone could check when which page was added:

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:
Erkan Yilmaz, 02/02/2012 22:05:

I've put here (1) a comparison of the monthly view statistics (since 2007)
for the main links which can be accessed from the navigation bar:

Have they always been the same? Even more interesting is to see how being on the sidebar changes visits (if the impact is low, then the space is wasted).


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