I'm hoping that people in the Wikiversity community/network might be interested in making a comment, suggestion, or recommendation to people at the University of Canberra (Australia) in relation to their project to increase access to learning? Given that UC has a number of its staff and students using en.Wikiversity, it would be nice to hear back from the community.. see message below:

I'm part of a small group of people at the University of Canberra, tasked with writing a 'strategy' paper, for teaching and learning. As a first step, I'm asking my network both online and off, for their comments and suggestions. If you have opinions, comments, suggestions or experience with access, choice and flexibility in educative work, please send them to me, or write them into the wiki directly.
We'd especially like to hear from people who engage in educative activities outside the university and higher education system, and how they think we should relate to such work. I hope this post generates some activity on the wiki.

Posted By Leigh Blackall to Leigh Blackall at 7/29/2011 03:23:00 PM

Leigh Blackall

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Leigh Blackall