On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:20 AM, James Neill <lists@wilderdom.com> wrote:
well, i dumped it here:
doesn't look good - cut and pasted from pdf into OO Writer, then used the
MW export
but it might at least encourage the authors to make a more usable format
Since it was deleted from Wikibooks, I've put James' wikified version
at http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Wikiworld as a temporary holding
place where the wikitext can be improved. If it's GFDL, then it could
later be moved to Wikisource if they want it. However, I'd suggest
that Wikibooks is a more appropriate place for it if the intention is
for others to work on and improve the text since Wikisource should
only hold the original text and isn't a place it can be modified.
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