1. I share a similar belief, if I understand correct: 
anything can enrich my learning 

the internet with its easy access (be it info, interaction wise) can be a great boost - 
That's what I liked with Wikiversity (WV) also: 
access to people who wish to interact + easy participation possibility

2. The one thing where I actually expect some cries/worries is the "too dangerous" (1) part:

e.g. like: not any kind of learning activities should be allowed (at WV)
things which endanger others freedom, privacy, ... and should be bordered by (some kind of) policy
and that pointing towards a more individual direction for WV there may be (again a) de-balance?

e.g. people utilizing this with purpose in a bad way, since WMF hosts everything and there is no direct responsibility (wiki's openness and theoretical anonymity) of people when they'd post so-called "learning activities" 
(e.g. in case custodians/stewards don't/can't act or nobody notices a violation: it must first arrive a postal mail in the WMF office for things to "get cleaned")


(1) http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:Erkan_Yilmaz/observations#2012_February_13:_PLE_.28again.29

2012/2/13 Leigh Blackall <leighblackall@gmail.com>

The Internet is a personal learning environment. Anything more is either snake oil, or a barrier to self sufficiency.

See 2004 video "EPIC2014" for an interesting perspective, especially in that it's now 8 years old. Youll find it on Youtube.

On Feb 13, 2012 4:58 PM, "Erkan Yilmaz" <erkan77@gmail.com> wrote:

please share your views, experiences, ... in regards to PLEs (1)


(1)  http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Wikiversity:Colloquium#Personal_learning_environment_.28PLE.29_retry_question_after_4_months


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