Yes! We sure do have teachers like that here :)

At the moment I'm just going through the outline and fixing typos and some gramma stuff that I see. Trying not to change or add too much until I am familiar with it.

I really like the layout of the outline. Very much like Dave Wiley's wiki course. Good idea. I have a lot of vidoes and other info tagged in my delicious under "blogs", "OERP" and "OpenCourseware"

On Jan 5, 2008 11:21 AM, Teemu Leinonen <> wrote:
Hi Leigh,

Thank you. The challenge is that the target group of the course are
(ordinary) teachers and teacher-students who are not tech savy, at
all. Many of them may even more like "hate" technology and simply
want to do things. But I guess you Leigh have this kind of people to
take care of in NC, too - right? :-)

So, let's try to find some good and simple (free and open) online
materials related to digital image, video and audio production (for
humanists / dummies). So, googling we are.

Best regards,

       - Teemu

Leigh Blackall kirjoitti 4.1.2008 kello 23:35:

> Hey Teemu, thanks for the invite. Such a resource is complimentary
> to my work here in New Zealand, so I'll be there helping out. Count
> me in!
> On Jan 4, 2008 7:36 PM, Teemu Leinonen < >
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am working on one study project on Wikiversity. As it is a Wiki, I
> wouldn't mind if some people would join and help me with it. The
> study project is called "Composing free and open online educational
> resources", and it is in here:
> Composing_free_and_open_online_educational_resources
> The aim is to have an online class / study project of nine weeks
> starting in March 3rd 2008. I would like to gather a bit more content
> and come-up with good assignments for the participants. I already
> have program for the first four weeks pretty much ready. What I would
> love to have is links to existing learning resources about digital
> photography, image sharing, audio/recording equipments, podcasting,
> digital video etc.
> Please, join the project and share your stuff.
> Best regards,
>        - Teemu
> -----------------------------------------------
> Teemu Leinonen
> +358 50 351 6796
> Media Lab
> University of Art and Design Helsinki
> -----------------------------------------------
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> Wikiversity-l mailing list
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> Leigh Blackall
> +64(0)21736539
> skype - leigh_blackall
> SL - Leroy Goalpost
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> Wikiversity-l mailing list

Teemu Leinonen
+358 50 351 6796
Media Lab
University of Art and Design Helsinki

Wikiversity-l mailing list

Leigh Blackall
skype - leigh_blackall
SL - Leroy Goalpost