
I am running https://www,deurnewiki.nl and cannot get visualeditor properly to work on v1.35 hence I had to disable it.
Apparently the issue is that the rest api is not called correctly. I am wondering whether this is due to nginx.... my phpinfo shows:

$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] nginx/1.10.3

Here: Parsoid I did read: "If you're serving MediaWiki with Nginx, you'll need to also add something like this to your server conf:"

location /rest.php/ { try_files $uri $uri/ /rest.php?$query_string; }

Do I need to ask my provider to add this in de nginx config in order to make visualeditor work? Is there any way I can find out myself?

Note: I use the standard installed parsoid which is bundled with mediawiki 1.35

Note2: I redirect calls to deurnewiki.nl to deurnewiki.nl/wiki which resulted in showing an empty page in VE when editing a existing page. Removing this redirect results in a "404 Not Found"when editing an page with VE...

Note3: logfile shows:[http] GET: http://www.deurnewiki.nl/wiki/rest.php/www.deurnewiki.nl/v3/page/html/Bestand%3A30.998.jpg resulting in 404 in the browser without the redirect mentioned in Note2 (and the mainpage with the redirect :) )