Thanks very much.

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Andreas Jonsson <> wrote:
2010-09-23 10:19, Mingli Yuan skrev:
> Yes, Andreas,
> I tried to install it on my local ubuntu, but failed at the installing
> Antlr and your patch. I will try it again tonight.
I don't quite understand the build instruction for antlr myself.  I
did the following (I think):

git clone git:// antlr
cd antlr
patch -p 0 < ${path to libmwparser}/antlr.patch
mvn -N install
cd antlr3-maven-archetype
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install
cd ../antlr3-maven-plugin
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install
cd ../runtime/Java
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install
cd ../../tool
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install

I dont know if there is any install script, but you should place the
antlr, antlr-runtime, and stringtemplate jar files somewhere
appropriate and create a script called 'antlr3' somewhere in your path:



exec java -cp $CLASSPATH org.antlr.Tool "$@"

As for the C runtime, something like this should work:

cd ../runtime/C
automake --add-missing
make install

> Another thing is that I am trying to port your grammar to Javascritp
> via PegJs.
> It is just beginning, dozens of rules had been converted;
> so far I did not meet any difficulty to convert from antlr to peg.
> But lots of works are needed.

There is a Javascript backend available for Antlr.  Have you tried it?
Of course, there would still be a lot of work in porting the supporting
C code that implements, for instance, the contexts.

Best regards,


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