Thanks again, Arlo -- this worked very well!

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 12:23 AM, Arlo Breault <> wrote:
I looked into a more general way to patch your config in,
but, low and behold, there’s already a method to do it.

Set fetchConfig to false in your localsetting.js.

Then, assuming cruiserswiki as your prefix,
(as in parsoidConfig.setInterwiki( 'cruiserswiki', '' );)

you’d add a cruiserswiki.json to /lib/baseconf/ and that should load it.

To get that cruiserswiki.json,
curl "|namespacealiases|magicwords|functionhooks|extensiontags|general|interwikimap|languages|protocols" > cruiserswiki.json

Then you can add,
"extensiontags": [

for the <imagemap> as requested in,

Unfortunately, as cscott suggested, this doesn’t help the current
mediatype issue. Sorry.