Indeed; do love your blog :). Thank you for reminding me of that post - I was about to spend an hour writing a frustrating post of my own about how people shouldn't base decisions on how *they* think a mass of other people would feel. This has precluded that ;p.

On 12 February 2012 19:03, David Gerard <> wrote:
On 12 February 2012 18:55, Oliver Keyes <> wrote:

> If your solution to "we need to avoid an overcomplicated interface mostly
> used by people with a primacy in tech" is to develop an extension that
> requires potential editors to have a specific piece of software people
> mostly don't use or install it, you are making a very good argument for why
> we should work on the research the usability initiative did with actual new
> editors, and not the ideas of anyone attempting to put themselves into the
> shoes of new editors. We're not new editors. We can't impersonate them - not
> adequately, and not for the purpose of somehow divining what it is they
> want. And we should stop pretending that we can.

By the way, I covered most of this thread about a year ago:

(This was posted just before the big WMF push for a visual editor.)

- d.

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Oliver Keyes
Community Liaison, Product Development
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