Message: 13 Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 07:53:02 -0500 From: (Mark A. Hershberger) Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain
Mike Dupont writes:
It would be nice to have these social tools as opt in tools for wikipedia in general.
Unless I'm mistaken, Admins on-wiki could do this without consulting the WMF by installing a gadget which people could then opt-in to use.
As far as built-in functionality, the first thing to do is to get an extension that provides this reviewed. does not show anything that would provide this.
I disagree. First step would be to convince Wikipedia et al that social networking buttons are a good idea.
Social networking button type extensions are very simple (Its a linked image, that's it) and thus trivial to create. The issue has always been that whenever asked, the Wikipedians say no (and its not like they once said no 7 years ago, the topic seems to come up at a quite regular basis).
bawolff wrote:
I disagree. First step would be to convince Wikipedia et al that social networking buttons are a good idea.
No way I am going to let anyone do that on any WMF site. Social buttons are leaking your private data (URL you are browsing) to a private company (ex: facebook) which already know a ton of things about you.
Remote linking is bad.
PS: I use to prevents that.
2012/1/18 Antoine Musso
Social buttons are leaking your private data (URL you are browsing) to a private company (ex: facebook) which already know a ton of things about you.
We talk about simple links, not iFrames or JavaScript.
I do not want to see the Facebook logo on any Wikipedia page. It is more an advertisement for Facebook than an advertisement for Wikipedia on Facebook.