Hello! I am a mentor for Google Code In this year and am looking for ways to help the engineering community and engage the students in the program.
If you have a project, event or team that that needs a logo, t-shirt design, sticker design, etc. Please let me know and I will be happy to help get your project into GCI and mentor it for you.
I cannot promise you professional level results, but you might be pleasantly surprised with what comes back. You may end up with something you want to use that way it is or you may end up with some inspiration. No harm in trying anyways and it is a great opportunity for the students to become introduced and exposed to corners of the wikimedia communities that they might not otherwise find.
If you would like to work together on this, please email me back and let me know what you are looking for/thinking of and an guidelines you have.
More information about Google Code In here: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gci/
Thanks! Rachel