I took advantage of yesterday's outage to spend some time fixing bugs: * Fixed backlash escaping problems in page editing, the delete function, and the SQL query page. * Fixed url-encoding bugs in the file upload log and the page edit link. * Bad [[wikilinks]] no longer drop the rest of the line following them. * Text after a redirect link no longer gets included in the link. * Non-ASCII characters now work in search!!
Thought that last one might get people's attention. :) It seems to more-or-less work now (though not case-insensitive, as MySQL doesn't understand the UTF-8 characters). I recommend we upgrade the Polish and Esperanto wikis as soon as possible so we can get these in real usage.
Also; I've split the login screen into two separate forms: log in with existing account, and create new account. I'm trying to add an e-mail field to the new account form, but it always comes out as NULL instead of the input text, so I commented out those lines for the time being. Could someone take a quick look at special_userlogin.php and check it out? I probably did something really dumb that I'm just overlooking...
As far as the old page history import goes, I'd really like to see this done soon, but I haven't been able to test it myself. I'm having problems importing the 3-21 database dump into MySQL (I get a "1006 server gone" error at line 45, not very helpful). If someone else is having better luck with the SQL dump (and if we can get a more recent dump, post last week's deletion frenzy?) and has a more recent old wiki tarball (mine is Dec 20, I'm sure there are later ones), could you please give it a try and let me know if it works? In particular, that it doesn't explode horribly and destroy the database...
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)