Hello everyone,
It’s with great pleasure that I’m announcing that Marc Ordinas i Llopis joined the Wikimedia Foundation as a Features Engineer. Note the past tense. :-D
Before joining us, Marc was a programmer at Collabora[1] open source consultancy where he worked on a window manager for the Nokia N900 mobile phone and various Webkit[2] ports for Gtk+ and Qt. Before that he spent eight years programming for video game studies and on a distributed GUI based on CORBA.
He started to work with us a little over a year ago in July of 2013, but his first official day as an international contractor was December 2, 2013. (You know it is bad when you have to look in your mail archives to provide years with your dates.) Along with Arlo (a future e-mail), the two of them work with Subbu Sastry and C. Scott Ananian to form the Parsoid team which provides the back-end voodoo that turns your VisualEditing into wikitext and back again.[3]
He studied technical engineering in computer systems at the University of Balearic Islands. He is fluent in Catalan, English and Spanish, with a dabbling of German, French, Russian and Chinese. He lives in Majorca, Spain where the latest Parsoid team offsite just was.[4] There, he spends his free time reading, making (and tasting) wine and generally seemingly being the IT support for the island. He’s also involved in local politics and currently serving as town councillor. He goes by Marcoil on the Internet because he’s sick of me misspelling his name on contracts.[5]
Please join me in a belated welcome of Marcoil to the Wikimedia Foundation. :-)
Take care, Terry
P.S. In keeping with Jared’s demand of a picture to accompany every new hire announcement, here is a photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tychay/14775054560/
[1] http://www.collabora.com/ http://www.collabora.com/ [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebKit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebKit [3] https://blog.wikimedia.org/2013/03/04/parsoid-how-wikipedia-catches-up-with-... https://blog.wikimedia.org/2013/03/04/parsoid-how-wikipedia-catches-up-with-the-web/ [4] Jealous? Like compiler design? Perhaps you should apply to Team Parsoid. :-D [5] http://marcoil.org/ http://marcoil.org/
terry chay 최태리 Director of Features Engineering Wikimedia Foundation “Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment.”
p: +1 (415) 839-6885 x6832 m: +1 (408) 480-8902 e: tchay@wikimedia.org mailto:tchay@wikimedia.org i: http://terrychay.com/ http://terrychay.com/ w: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Tychay http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Tychay aim: terrychay
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