Hi, folks. Just a quick note to let you know that there's an extension for MediaWiki available that allows customized RDF output and in-page user input of Turtle RDF. Code is here:
This is in production on Wikitravel, only works for MediaWiki 1.4.x (at least for the history model, probably some other stuff is broken with the new database schema, too). More info here:
http://wikitravel.org/en/Wikitravel:RDF http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/RDF
README file is attached for below for people who don't follow URLs so much. I'll add it to extensions section of mediawiki CVS RSN, but I've been using darcs for version control so far and I CBA to merge to CVS yet.
________________________________________________________________________ MediaWiki RDF extension
version 0.3 16 November 2005
This is the README file for the RDF extension for MediaWiki software. The extension is only useful if you've got a MediaWiki installation; it can only be installed by the administrator of the site.
The extension adds RDF (= Resource Definition Framework) support to MediaWiki. It will show RDF data about a page with a new special page, Special:Rdf. It allows users to add custom RDF statements to a page between <rdf> ... </rdf> tags. Administrators and programmers can add new automated RDF models, too.
This is the first version of the extension and it's almost sure to have bugs. See the BUGS section below for info on how to report problems.
== License ==
Copyright 2005 Evan Prodromou evan@wikitravel.org
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
== Installation ==
You have to have MediaWiki 1.4.x installed for this software to work. Sorry, but that's the version I've got installed, so it's the one this software works with.
You also have to install RAP, the RDF API for PHP (www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/rdfapi/) . I used version 0.92, plus some custom hacks to make the N3 parser less fragile. You have to apply a patch to the distribution if you want RDF to work; it's included in this distribution. (Future versions of RAP will have these enhancements).
You can copy the file MwRdf.php to the extensions directory of your MediaWiki installation. Then add these lines to your LocalSettings.php:
define("RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR", "/full/path/to/rdfapi-php/api/"); require_once("extensions/MwRdf.php");
== 60-second intro to RDF ==
RDF is a framework for making statements about resources. Statements are in the form:
subject predicate object
Here, "subject" is a "resource" such as a person, place, idea, Web page, picture, concept, or whatever. "Predicates" are names of properties of a resource, like its color, shape, texture, size, history, or relationships to other "resources". The object is the value of the property. So "car color red" would be a statement about a car; "Evan hasBrother Nate" would be a statement about a person.
Of course, it's important to be definite about which resources and which properties we're discussing. In the Web world, each "resource" is identified with a URI (usually an URL).
For electronic resources, this is usually pretty easy; the main page of English-language Wikipedia, for example, has the URI "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page". However, for analog subjects like people or ideas or physical objects, this can be a little trickier.
There's no general solution, but the typical workaround is to use real or made-up URIs to "stand in" for offline entities. For example, you could use the URI for my Wikitravel user page, "http://wikitravel.org/en/User:Evan", as the URI for me. Or you could use my email address in URI form, like "mailto:evan@wikitravel.org".
People who need to agree on statements often create 'vocabularies' or 'schemas' that map concepts, object, and relationships to URIs. By popularizing such a mapping, we can all agree about what a particular URI "means".
For example, the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) (http://www.dublincore.org/) has a schema for very simple metadata, such as you'd find on a library card. They've defined (among other things), that the idea of authoring or creating something is represented by the URL http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator. So you could say:
http://www.fsf.org http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator mailto:rms@gnu.org
... means that the creator of the Free Software Foundation is Richard Stallman.
There are a lot of RDF models out there; you can also create your own if you want.
RDF statements can be encoded in a number of different ways. By far the most popular is as XML, sometimes called "RDF/XML". "Turtle" is another format, which uses plain text rather than XML; and "Ntriples" is still another.
== Models ==
For any given resource you can describe it from many different perspectives. For example, you can describe a man in terms of his academic career, his job experience, his family members, his body parts' size and weight, his location in space, his membership in organizations, his hobbies and interests, etc.
In this extension, we use the term "model" to describe a perspective on a resource. For example, listing the links to and from a page is one model; its edit history is another model. You can choose which models you want to know about when querying the system for RDF statements about a subject, and only statements in that model are returned.
This is mostly a concession to performance; it doesn't make sense to calculate information about the history of a page if calling program isn't going to use it.
There are a number of models built into this extension; you can also add your own, if you know how to code PHP. The models have short little codenames for easy access, listed below.
Models built in:
* dcmes: Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES) data. Mostly information about who edited a page, when, and other simple stuff. Titles, format, etc. This is a common vocabulary that's very useful for general-purpose bots. * cc: Creative Commons metadata. Gives license information; there are a few tools and search engines that use this data. * linksto, linksfrom, links: Internal wiki links to and from a page. "links" is a shortcut for both. * image: DCMES information about images in a page. * history: version history of a page; who edited the page and when. * interwiki: links to different language versions of a page. * categories: which categories a page is in. * inpage: a special model for blocks of RDF embedded into the source code of MediaWiki pages; see "In-page RDF" below for info.
== Special:RDF ==
You can view RDF for a page using the [[Special:Rdf]] feature. It should be listed on the list of special pages as "Rdf". Enter the title of the page you want RDF for in the title box, and choose one or more of the RDF models from the multiselect box. You can also select which output format you want; XML is probably most useful and can be viewed in a browser.
The Special:Rdf page can also be called directly, with the following parameters:
* target: title of the article to get RDF info about. If no target URL is provided, the special page shows the input form. * modelnames: comma-separated list of model names, like "links,cc,history". Default is a list of standard models, configurable per-site (see below). * format: output format; one of 'xml', 'turtle' and 'ntriples'. Default is XML.
== In-page RDF ==
Any user can make additional RDF statements about any resource by adding an in-page RDF block to the page. The RDF needs to be in Turtle format (http://www.dajobe.org/2004/01/turtle/), which is extremely simple. It's a subset of Notation3 (http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Notation3.html), for which there is a good introduction. (http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/Primer.html)
RDF blocks are delimited by the tag "<rdf>". They're invisible for normal output, but they can provide information for RDF-reading items. Here's an example:
Mathematics is ''very'' hard.
<rdf> <> dc:subject "Mathematics"@en . </rdf>
Here, the rdf block says that the subject of the article is "Mathematics". Note that <> in Turtle means "this document". Another example:
Chilean wines are quite delicious.
<rdf> <> dc:source http://example.org/chileanwines.html . http://example.org/chileanwines.html dc:creator "Bob Smith" . </rdf>
Here, we've said that the article's source is another Web page on another server; we can also say that that other Web page's author is Bob Smith.
In-page RDF is displayed whenever the "inpage" model is requested for Special:RDF; it's one of the defaults. It's also useful for people making MediaWiki extensions; you can have users add information in in-page RDF, and then extract it and read it using the function MwRdfGetModel(). This lets users add data that isn't for presentation but perhaps for automated tools to use.
Note also that MediaWiki templates are expanded when in-page RDF is queries. So if the syntax of Turtle is daunting, you can add templates that make it easier. For example, we could create a template Template:Source for showing source documents:
<rdf> <> dc:source <{{{1}}}> . <{{{1}}}> dc:creator "{{{2|anonymous}}}" . </rdf>
We could then make the same statement as above with a template transclusion:
{{source|http://example.org/chileanwines.html%7CBob Smith}}
Note that a number of namespaces are pre-defined for your RDF blocks. Some basic namespaces are provided by RAP; you can define custom namespaces with the global variable $wgRdfNamespaces . In addition, each of the article namespaces is mapped to a namespace prefix in Turtle, so you can say something like this:
<rdf> Wikitravel_talk:Spelling dc:subject Wikitravel:Spelling .
:Montreal dc:spatial "Montreal" . </rdf>
Note that the default prefix (":") is the article namespace.
== Customization ==
There are a few customization variables available, mostly for programmers.
$wgRdfDefaultModels -- an array of names of the default models to use when no model name is specified. $wgRdfNamespaces -- You can add custom namespaces to this associative array, of the form 'prefix' => 'uri' . $wgRdfModelFunctions -- an associative array mapping model names to functions that generate the model. See below for how to add a new model. $wgRdfOutputFunctions -- A map of output format to functions that generate that output. You can add new output formats by adding to this array. == Extending ==
You can add new RDF models to the framework by creating a model function and adding it to the $wgRdfModelFunctions array. The function will get a single MediaWiki Article object as a parameter; it should return a single RAP Model object (a collection of statements) as a result. For example,
function CharacterCount($article) { # create a new model $model = ModelFactory::getDefaultModel(); # get the article source $text = $article->getContent(true); # ... and its size $size = mb_strlen($text); # Get the resource for this article $ar = MwRdfArticleResource($article); # Add a statement to the model $model->add(new Statement($ar, new Resource("http://example.org/charcount"), new Literal($size))); # return the model return $model; }
You can then give the model a name like so:
$wgRdfModelFunctions['charcount'] = 'CharacterCount';
You can add a message to the site describing your model like so:
$wgMessageCache->addMessages(array('rdf-charcount' => 'Count of characters'));
You can also create model-outputting functions if you so desire; they should accept a RAP model as input and make output as they would to the Web. This is probably only useful if you want a specific RDF encoding mechanism that's not RDF/XML, Turtle, or Ntriples; for example, TriG or TriX.
== Future ==
These are some future directions I'd like to see things go:
* Store statements in DB: statements could be stored in the database when the page is saved and retrieved when needed. This would make it to do extended queries based on information about *all* pages. * Performance: there wasn't much performance tuning and there are probably way too many DB hits and reads and such. * Semantic tuning: I'd like to make sure that the statements in the standard models are accurate and useful.
== Bugs ==
Send bug reports, patches, and feature requests to Evan Prodromou evan@wikitravel.org .