Rob Lanphier wrote:
Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] Re: <link> elements for interlanguage link information To: Wikimedia developers Message-ID: 1132538575.6605.35.camel@localhost.localdomain Content-Type: text/plain
I'm not aware of any <link> syntax, but one way to do it would be for MediaWiki to issue an HTTP 301 status (permanent redirect) to the new page, rather than returning 200 and giving the content. That probably introduces an unacceptably large performance penalty, though (extra round trip per request).
The "Content-Location" HTTP header is a potential longshot. I don't think Google documents their use/non-use of this header, but it's one of those "can't hurt" kind of things.
It appears it can be tacked on using a meta http-equiv tag in the HTML head.
Reading the specs it seems more to differenziate among different content retrived from the same URI/URL rather than (as is our case) to state that different URL/URI correspond to the smae content.
Despite of this, it seems a brillant idea to use this header. Does anybody has any contact with google or yahoo (or other web search) to ask them their opinion about this and other possible solution?