Google doesn't seem to like our umlauts in page titles. Try =de&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8
Google says "Ungültige Seite Letzte_Ãnderungen. " (which means "invalid page Recent_Changes").
Is it a problem on google's or on our side? Will it be solved with the new software?
The most important bug in the new software on seems to be that the upload feature doesn't work. All others shouldn't be too hard to solve, but I'm no programmer :-)
Bye, Kurt
Kurt Jansson wrote:
Google doesn't seem to like our umlauts in page titles. Try
Google says "Ungültige Seite Letzte_Ãnderungen. " (which means "invalid page Recent_Changes").
It works fine for me. Google gives me a list of 1610 hits, and only the first hit has the title "Ungültige Seite...". This is because it points to the URL for which Wikipedia will return a page having exactly that title. This is explained by the old UseModWiki software's lack of support for UTF-8. If the URL is changed from UTF-8 (%C3%84) to ISO 8859-1 (%C4), the correct page is returned,
This is not Google's fault. Some webpage somewhere has a link to the wrong URL, and Google has indexed the page that Wikipedia returns for that URL. Neither the old nor the new Wiki software return 404 errors for pages that don't exist.