Just a couple notes... I set up stub Arabic and Hebrew wikis: http://ar.wikipedia.org/ http://he.wikipedia.org/
When they get set up we'll need right-to-left also for other languages using these alphabets (Persian, Urdu, Yiddish...)
I've made a few tweaks to help support this... Language::isRTL() should return true for those requiring right-to-left support, which triggers:
* dir='RTL' attribute on the <html> element * swap the position of the spacer cell in the topbar/bottombar so it matches the sidebar * swap the text alignment of the two cells in the topbar
I've only mucked about with the default skin here; I haven't tested Cologne Blue yet for instance.
There's a lot of weirdness with punctuation; hopefully localized interface strings should help make the screen look right. :) Various portions may need more explicit direction indicators stuck in or other whatnot.
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)