Steve Bennett wrote:
On 5/21/06, Plyd wrote:
maybe this could be solved by the implementation of a wysiwyg editor. For example, tinyMCE automatically translates copy/pastes from Word into html.
Sounds excellent, a tiny in place content editor that avoids the need to even use wiki syntax.
I dunno... I have TinyMCE embedded into my copy of Movable Type, and I can tell you it does some /serious/ reformatting every time you load it. There's another user on that copy of MT who always copy-pastes stuff from Word, and things like unclosed tags frequently ensure that the resulting page is mangled to pieces. TinyMCE attempts to account for mismatched tags, but the result is that it italicizes the entire post because the user didn't think to close <i>, an inline tag that doesn't even need to be closed in HTML.
TinyMCE might work for things like forums, where the post is rarely edited and the forum code is relatively simple. But with MediaWiki's rather complicated wiki syntax ([[Template:Infobox Language]] anyone?), combined with various editors' coding ideosynchracies, even an embedded code highlighter would be a pain to implement AFAICT.