We just had April fools. Please don't. A single test variant is fine, but we don't need more.
On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 4:48 PM, Purodha Blissenbach <purodha@blissenbach.org
Yes, plase! (I shall add the German semi-equivalent "Hühnersprache" [1] as soon as I am able) Purodha
[1] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spielsprache#H.C3.BChnersprache
On 05.04.2016 16:00, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
Am 01.04.2016 um 19:08 schrieb C. Scott Ananian:
On a somewhat serious note, I'm a big fan of enabling pig Latin as a language variant in enwiki.
Yes, please! I have been using a patch that Liangent wrote a few years ago, but which never got merged, for exactly this purpose. Piglatin may just be a fun easter egg for a production site, but it's a very useful tool for development and testing.
-- daniel
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