Hi all...I'd like a bit of advice. I've now got a test version of my "Disinfopedia" running at the following URL:
If you want to play around with it, feel free to enter any text you'd like. (This version is purely for experimentation; once I've got everything figured out and modified the way I want, I'll erase the dummy version entirely and do a second install at a different URL.)
My test version is currently identical to Wikipedia, except that I've changed all instances of the word "Wikipedia" to "Disinfopedia" and created my own logo. Also, I've added a line of code to the bottomLinks function in "Skin.php", so that the bottom links now include a section saying:
INFORMATION RELATED TO [page title]: People | Organizations | Activities | Funders | Issues ... etc.
Right now the hyperlinks associated with this section are non-functioning dummy links, but I want to add code so they will take people to related pages on each of these topics. I'd like it to function similarly to the "Discuss this page" link. For example, if I had an article about an organization called "APCO," the "People" link could take people to the following URL:
If, however, the page doesn't yet exist, the hyperlink would be:
So here are my questions:
(1) Should I have separate namespaces for "people," "organizations," "activity," etc.? If so, I'd have to add code to the $wgNamespaceNamesEn array in "Language.php". I think I'd also have to revise "Namespace.php" and create some new functions in "Skin.php". Where else would I have to modify code? (I'd like to make as few modifications as possible so that as future revisions are made to the Wikipedia code, I can incorporate them with a minimum of pain.
(2) Should I also have separate "talk" namespaces for each of the new category namespaces I'm creating (e.g., "people_talk," "organizations_talk")?
(3) If I don't create separate namespaces, is there some other recommended way of getting the functionality I want?