I'd like to add a spell checker to MediaWiki using the pspell library. (Pspell is part of php and it uses libaspell.) It doesn't help that I'm new to the MediaWiki code base and PHP isn't exactly my favorite language. (I wouldn't even call it my _third_ favorite.) Anyway, I'd like to get a little feedback and advice on where to go from here.
I know a few people have proposed working on spell check before: But, as best I can tell no one has gone anywhere. Does anyone know what happened to User:Archivist's spellchecker?
Right now I have a proof-of-concept running on my computer. You can see it at
It is a SpecialPage that reads the article from the database, spell checks it, lets the user choose the words from the drop-down box, and then sends a FauxRequest to EditPage. Eventually I'd like to add it to EditPage, but I started out with a special page so that I did not have to deal with the complexity of EditPage.
Here's how I'd like the final version to work: # There's a button at the bottom of an EditPage beside 'Show Perview' and 'Show Changes' labeled 'Spell Check'. # When the user clicks 'Spell Check', they get a preview of their edit where misspelled words are replaced with drop-down boxes. # The user changes the words they think are mispelled to one of the suggestions or leaves it as is. When they click 'Show Preview', they go back to the preview page.
A few questions:
Do I not need to deal with multi-byte character functions like mb_substr since all the languages use utf-8?
Should the user spell check a preview or the wikitext?
If a word is misspelled in several places, should the user be asked once for the word or should the user be asked everytime the word appears?
Thanks, Jeff McGee