Hey everyone,
I want to build a "better" watchlist as an OAuth tool – this would include cross-wiki watchlist & notifications support as well as distinct features like inline diffs. I see the opportunity here to experiment with the design and do things differently without breaking any existing workflows.
I've made a basic prototype at https://tools.wmflabs.org/watchr/ which currently orientates itself much on the MW watchlist design. It is currently quite limited and only queries a list of hand-picked projects. One of the things I would like to support is dynamic filtering (as shown by the search box in the prototype).
See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T92955 for a screenshot and more details. It's build with a AngularJS frontend and a python backend.
I'm looking for possible mentors, anyone interested? Feel free to ping me in IRC under the nick sitic, I idle around in the usual channels.
Thanks sitic