Nikola Smolenski wrote:
Maybe it would be possible to make a list of strings which are
expected to be
customised, and which are not. For example, "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" will always be customised while "Article", "Discussion", "Edit", "Recent Changes"... will never be. Then, LanguageXx.php could periodically be refreshed with only "safe" strings filled in. Language files for Navajo and other languages which only have translations in MediaWiki namespace could be created from scratch in this way.
Splitting the strings can probably easily done as we have two functions for messages: - wfMsg : a message in whatever language user selected. - wfMsgForContent() : a message using site language.
wfMsg is more or less the UI messages and can probably be removed from the MediaWiki namespaces. Then we will just have to manage the Content messages ;)