>> Is my vote included here ?

>You didn't express any opposition, just ask to create help page (that
>we all agree). You didn't vote, so how your vote may be included!? That
>doesn't mean we didn't hear your arguments, but if you don't express clearly
>any opposition, how can we guess?
LOL. No, I was just wondering if I were the neutral ;-)
I was not going to oppose it anymore, you all seem so convinced it is necessary that it probably is.
From the moment I suggested the documentation, that meant I did not vote against, no?

I truely would not know what to vote :-(

>> I hope you will not follow the opinion of some to just ban and
>automatically revert those using non utf browsers as some users were
>suggesting :-)

>Anyone is free to express his own suggestion; that don't make them
>I'm personally fully against this idea.


> Was the page of explanation for these unfortunate users set as
>before the switch ?

We are working on:

* http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%E9dia:Unicode
* http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%E9dia:Unicode/Test
* http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%E9dia:Test_Unicode_arabe
* http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%E9dia:Navigateur
If you want more, help us ;o)

Neat. I will add the macintosh 9 recommandations then.

>Anyhow, it will be easier to surround all problems after the switch.
>How to
>speak about problem we don't have yet?

Errrr. Usually I think it is best to talk about problems before meeting them...

>I don't understand why you wait the discussion is done to express you?
>You just want to express your disgust about a too pretty consensus? ;o)

No, I expressed myself about that. Our discussion is still on Le Bistro. I think there was nothing more to add :-)
And precisely because the consensus was so pretty, I decided not to say anything any more. I am just worried about that reversion issue. Even if most said they would help the newcomers, a couple of people said they would just revert and prevent the person to edit.

It goes without saying that I would consider that very wrong.
I think that if someone unilaterally decide to ban a person because of his browser, without helping him to upgrade it, there should be a rule added about it, and banning for such a reason not allowed. We shall see.
For all technical considerations, I am useless, so I leave that to you :-)

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