On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:18:17PM +0000, tarquin wrote:
Nick Reinking wrote:
On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 10:34:50AM +0000, tarquin wrote:
Unfortunately, the topbar is also absolute in your version, that is something that I think is very useful to have fixed (seeing as I am often jumping from article to article, and always having an available 'Go' and 'Edit' button would be very convenient.
The problem with that is that with large font sizes the top bar becomes two lines. The margin-top given to the content can't cope with that eventuality. At that point, it either overflows or is partially obscured :( (I *wish* CSS absolutes & fixed could be made to affect flow!)
I know other hacks that will work with IE-6, but I didn't want to add them in until the regular version had settled down. I will peek at your ems code. :) Also, I miss the borders. Would people rather have the bordered, or non-bordered version?
Like so? I like both :-) since the HTML is identical, we can provde alternative stylesheets -- Mozilla and Opera users will be able to choose a colour (&border) scheme :-D
I had actually changed the topbar to use ems last night - now, everything up to 150% text size looks fine in Mozilla, and ever 200% is workable. Note that a 200% zoom in Mozilla gets about 10 words to a line, so I doubt anybody will ever zoom to that size (they will likely use zooming tools that allow you to zoom over sections).