This is the weekly TechCom board review in preparation of our meeting on Wednesday. If there are additional topics for TechCom to review, please let us know by replying to this email. However, please keep discussion about individual RFCs to the Phabricator tickets.
Activity since Monday 2020-10-19 on the following boards:
Committee board activity:
T239742: Should npm packages maintained by Wikimedia be scoped or unscoped? Support for the idea of namespacing our npm packages has been expressed.
Phase progression:
T262946 Bump Firefox version in basic support to 3.6 or newer.
Started the last call process. Some clarification requested, but no new opposition.
IRC meeting request:
T263841 RFC: Expand API title generator to support other generated data
Some guidance through the process is requested to techcom.
Other RFC activity: