I realize I'm asking RTFM-type questions here - mainly I'm looking for advice on which FM to R.
There aren't too many Ms to R, F or otherwise. :)
Insofar as there is documentation, it's probably mostly going to be the comments in the source code. (There are phpdoc comments on most method headers, though not all complete.)
I've seen these - having just recently discovered phpDoc, they are very much appreciated.
The internal API has changed significantly over time and remains unstable, but you can look at the existing source code to see how things are currently done.
(Some of the maintenance scripts however are out of date or unmaintained because we don't use them much ourselves.)
This looks extremely promising. It's helpful to see semi-official scripts that dig into the code, to understand how its authors view the internals.
Off to dig, -mike.
---------------------------------------------------------------- michal migurski- mike@stamen.com 415.558.1610