JeLuF wrote:
I've a UI for editing the site preferences, I'm just not yet sure how to store the settings. one big blob, with old versions kept around, or as a table with name=>value pairs? Probably have to replace all globals by a $globalConfig[] array to make storing/retrieving faster/easier.
Any ideas?
Lo JeLuF,
Probably better to get one row per setting, that will allow us to sort settings per categories and define the type of data.
Ex: category | setting | value | type --------------------------------------------- General | ScriptPath | | string General | UploadDir | /mnt/upload | string Tidy | UseTidy | 0 | boolean ---------------------------------------------
Then we can get different administrations pages.
For older versions, we probably just want to diff changes and saves them directly in the new log system.
I will be out till october ... :(