----- Original Message -----
From: "Victor Vasiliev" vasilvv@gmail.com
Lua is great, however, it's a bit strange to use two interpreters (PHP+Lua) together. That limits hosting possibilities and it's something like using two similar screwdrivers for the same screw.
Not really. Lua was designed as a sandboxable language, and PHP was not.
This is a really critical point: if you're going to provide an interpreted language to end-users from within a program that is, itself, written in an interpreted language, *you cannot use the underlying interpreter* to run the end-users' programs, unless that interpreter has sandboxing built-in.
If you try, you will almost certainly be exposing yourself to critical security vulnerabilities. You're almost *better* off picking a different language, so that you're not tempted to try.
Cheers, -- jra