Thanks for replying.
The configuration I want to setup is this:
The wiki is configured to disallow anonymous users from viewing pages.
A special user say "Guest" is given two privileges:
* View pages * Create users
I can then give people I know the user/password for Guest and they can then view pages, or at their option be able to create an account that they can use to edit pages.
What is the best way of achieving something like this?
Ashar Voultoiz wrote:
Actually no. All user accounts are assigned the 'user' group permissions for which you can add / remove rights.
Adding in your localsettings.php: $wgGroupPermissions['user']['delete'] = true;
Would let logged in users delete pages.
In User.php User::loadFromDatabase , near the end of the method, the following line seems to determine the group membership:
$effectiveGroups = array_merge( array( '*', 'user' ), $this->mGroups );
You can probably add groups there ;)