On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Weeger Nicolas wrote:
Hi everyone. I just subscribed, but read the previous threads, specially the one on Wikipedia Dead Again.
All my apologies, i'm the one who killed the server by doing a bad query.
I don't ask for forgiveness, but i just want to explain what i did, because 1) i think it's the right thing to do 2) i wonder about something
(working on the fr database, btw)
So here's what i did:
- first i did a query to try to find articles with a link to a redirect (and thus fix those links). It was around 11:30 (french hour).
iirc the query was:
select l.cur_title, r.cur_title from cur l inner join links lnk on l.cur_title = lnk.l_from inner join cur r on r.cur_title = lnk.l_to where r.cur_text like '%#redirect%'
I know SQL only through what I know through Wikipedia, and I don't know things like 'inner join', but "r.cur_text like '%#redirect%'" would certainly be better as "r.cur_is_redirect=1". The way I would do this query is:
SELECT l_from,cur_title FROM links,cur WHERE l_to=cur_id AND cur_is_redirect=1 (although in general I do not see any need to bother with 'repairing' this anyway)
Andre Engels