I am willing to complete the languages localisations files. Lot of new messages have been added to the software but are not localised in the langages.php files, instead they have been customised through the mediawiki namespaces.
My idea is to get a dump of the mediawiki namespaces for all wikipedias and use it to update the different hardcoded langagesXX.php files through a script to be build. The script could: 1/ look at each value existing in the database 2/ if it doesnt exist add it else ask what to do (ignore / update) 3/ generate new arrays
A problem I noticed, is that lot of mediawiki namespaces are using "/wiki/" or "Wikipedia". What are the best variables to replace that ? I am thinking about $wgScriptPath & {{ns:4}}, are they valid choices ?
Once the datas from wikipedia got imported, we could ask people to updates the refreshed langagesXX.php files.