On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 12:27:38PM -0600, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
This doesn't, however, mean that they *aren't* idiots. ESR is certainly a polarizing individual, and that as much as anything because he's blunt, and calls them like he sees them.
Whether how he sees them is reasonable is a-whole-nother argument, of course, but I personally am one of those people who answers lots of dumb questions from idiots -- idiots who *pay me* for the privilege, and that's why I don't lay ASQ on them. If they're asking me for *free*? You bet. If they think it's calling them an idiot, then maybe it is, and I might be so lucky as to have them ask someone else.
My first encounter with Eric Raymond was at a public conference several years ago. He got up and announced he was a "warlock" and other strange and bizzare nonsense. I note he was an author of that document. I guess that all speaks for itself.
Sounds like it was probably Dragoncon. :-)
ESR isn't crazy, and neither is anything he wrote in that document.
And I speak as someone who's done tech support for about 15 years.
Cheers, -- jr 'though not as a psychologist :-)' a